Everything Kieks

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

The Power of Self-Reflection: Transforming into a Better Version of Yourself

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom – Aristole

My favorite thing about myself would be my ability to self-reflect. Sounds simple right? But it seems to be one of the hardest things for us to do.

Often times we as people and especially as women we think that we do everything right and tend to spend a lot of time playing the blame game in situations.

How we look at situations when we don’t self-reflect and take accountability

  • The relationship didn’t work out because the other person was in the wrong. We did everything right.
  • The people at the job just don’t or didn’t like you.
  • I was a great friend it was the other person with the problem

The truth of the matter in we have to take accountability for our part in everything that happens in our life.

I remember years ago I was going through a breakup and talking to one of my cousins, during the conversation I began to tell her what I felt I did wrong in the relationship. The person I was dating at the time had cheated. Now though his offense was bigger I told her that this wasn’t the first time and that I had to take accountability for the fact that I had allowed it before.

She did not like nor understand why I would take any kind of accountability because what he did was so much worse.

In this scenario, I understood that we teach people how to treat us and if we allow people to treat us poorly, we have to take accountability for our part.

To this day I am always taking time to self-reflect. I feel like self-reflection is self-love if I don’t evaluate my actions and experiences how can I do and be better in the future.

If I had not taken the time years ago to self-reflect and evaluate who I was as a mother as a friend as partner as a person. I would have still been this extremely negative woman.

How Self-Reflection has helped me

  • Stop Blaming God for everything that went and would go wrong in my life
  • Stop Being an angry negative woman who would have raised and angry negative woman’
  • I would not be the mom that I am now and would not have the relationship I have with my daughter.
  • I would not have been able to rectify old friendships because I would have been to. busy blaming the other person and not having the ability to apologize for my part.
  • I would not have worked so hard on myself to be able have the healthy friendships in my life
  • I would not have dropped my negative view of men and love and been able to have the healthy relationship I have right now.
  • I would not have learned how to love myself.

 “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself” ` Eckhart Tolle:


Self-Reflection has made me a better version of myself, and I am so grateful for the ability to self-reflect, hold myself accountable and work on myself every day.

xoxo, Kieks

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I’m Kieshaun

aka Kieks

Welcome to my online journal where I share everything! My journey through life, love, mental health battles, relationships, spirituality, fitness, beauty and travel with personal stories, thoughts, and lessons.

My hope is that by sharing my experiences and lessons openly, others will know that they are not alone and hopefully I can learn from others too.

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