Everything Kieks

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

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Love and the Peach State

Love and the Peach State

The risk I took that most days I do not regret would definitely be moving to Atlanta, GA.

In 2021 while California was still kind of shut down, I decided to make my way down south. I had come to visit my dad for his 60th birthday and a few short months later I decided it just made sense to move down here.

The aftermath of a year of Shutdown

At the time I was struggling like so many others during the Pandemic with the shutdown, work life balance and so many other things.

My daughter had moved to GA a few months prior and was going through her own struggles with anxiety. I needed a change, and she needed me, so I made a decision packed my car up and bought a one-way ticket to a new experience.

Change is never easy

Sounds easy huh. It definitely was not! I lost my job two weeks after moving, I was living in this new place with my parents at the big age of 37 no friends, away from the family I am closest to and single.

I thought about moving back to Cali all the time, but I could not let the nay sayers that told me I would move back in less than a year win, so I stayed and began to build a new life!

I struggled my first year here, though I had some fun times I also couldn’t figure out if I made the right choice. I felt very stuck, but God kept telling me to be patient.

Be Patient

One month after my one-year anniversary since my move I met my now partner, man, boo all of those things lol.

As I started to fall in love with him, I also fell in love with GA. I began to experience my new home in another way the beautiful parks, fun and chill places and what feels like my first experience of Love especially mutual Love, not perfect but the healthier side of Love and relationships. The kind of love I prayed for and wrote in my journal every day for a year that I was worthy of.

Everyday for a year one of my affirmations in my gratitude journal was “I am worthy of the life and the love that I desire”

Georgia has allowed the calmer softer side of me to be more present. I am definitely in my soft season being able to just be me vulnerable, soft, goofy, loving and being okay with it and with requiring a soft and peaceful life.

I have a lot of things the old me prayed for:

  • A home where there is Love and Laughter (we literally laugh daily)
  • A partner that enjoys being with me (like for real we are always together lol)
  • A good Job not high demand
  • Supportive partner
  • A peaceful home
  • Slower paced life

Though I still struggle in the friendship aspect, I try not to let it get to me like it once did, I understand that making new friends at my big age of 40 is not an easy thing in all honesty it has never been easy for me.

My daughter, my close friends & family are all still in Cali this is why most days I have no regrets about my choice but every once in a while, when I get home sick, I want to pack my bags and move back home.


If you were to ask me today how I feel, my honest answer would be I would never move back home to Los Angeles. Georgia is where I am supposed to be at this time in my life.

Love this view of Atlanta

LA Girl and a Country Boy … Chefs Kiss

xoxo, Kieks

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I’m Kieshaun

aka Kieks

Welcome to my online journal where I share everything! My journey through life, love, mental health battles, relationships, spirituality, fitness, beauty and travel with personal stories, thoughts, and lessons.

My hope is that by sharing my experiences and lessons openly, others will know that they are not alone and hopefully I can learn from others too.

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