Everything Kieks

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

Fear, uncertainty, and discomfort are your compasses toward growth.” ~Celestine Chua

Change is never easy, yet it’s always around us. Sometimes it hits us over the head. Other times, it’s hiding around the next corner. And most of the time, it’s happening even we don’t even know it

Lately I have been feeling like another transition is coming, I am not sure if it will be a good one bad one or a little of both but I can sense it coming. As I have have tapped in more and more in prayer and getting closer to God and find myself more at ease understanding that even if change doesn’t feel good, good things can come from it. There is purpose in everything we go through.

In the past 5 years I have experience so much change or transitions that I feel like I am better equip to handle whatever is coming.

Signs that you may be in transition

  • You feel restless, aimless, purposeless or confused.
  • You daydream about escaping, chucking it all and starting fresh.
  • You’re a few years on either side of a milestone birthday, particularly a round-numbered birthday.
  • In the recent past you’ve experienced the ending of one life role and the beginning of another. This might be a desired change, like single to married, or an undesired change, like employed to unemployed.
  • You’re in the process of healing from a traumatic experience and/or you’ve experienced a significant loss or change in the past year.
  • You’ve experienced a change in one of the following: relationship status, health status, home status, family status, work status.
  • You’ve recently completed a long-desired goal.
  • Someone very close to you (spouse, partner, parent, child) is in the midst of a transition.
  • You’re not interested in your goals and plans the way you used to be; they don’t hold the same appeal or they’ve lost their luster. You’re questioning if where you are is really where you want to be.
  • You’ve recently realized your life is turning out differently than you planned, and it’s becoming clear that the vision you originally had for it isn’t going to happen

“If you read my blog often you know I have experienced a few of these within the last year “

Major life transitions can be both exciting and daunting, and while they may bring growth, they can also cause feelings of uncertainty and fear. And, sometimes people experience different life changes simultaneously, leaving us feeling incredibly overwhelmed.

Ways to mange how you are feeling during a transitional period

  • Going to Therapy
  • Exercise -I find when I am overwhelmed with anything in my life getting outdoors just for a walk or getting an hour of exercise done helps so much.
  • Find a Hobby
  • Self Care
  • Get some Sleep – Rest is essential to your well being
  • Practice Healthier eating habits
  • Find or build a good support system
  • Have some Fun

I would love to hear your thoughts on this post. Are you in the midst of a process of transformation? Which of these signs are you experiencing at the moment? Share with me in the comments below

Until next time

xoxo Kieks

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I’m Kieshaun

aka Kieks

Welcome to my online journal where I share everything! My journey through life, love, mental health battles, relationships, spirituality, fitness, beauty and travel with personal stories, thoughts, and lessons.

My hope is that by sharing my experiences and lessons openly, others will know that they are not alone and hopefully I can learn from others too.

Let’s connect