Everything Kieks

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

I am more than halfway through my first year in my 40’s. I will be 41 in a little over 2 months.

When I think about this year so far, the one thing, I can think of is the women before us lied!

The Myths

For as long as I can remember, I have heard everything gets better after 40!

  • Sex is better your libido is like a teenager
  • You look and feel better
  • You’re all around happier-this isn’t necessarily a myth in my case but the struggle was real for a while.

My Experience

My experience so far has not matched the descriptions of the those before me and I have to say I feel like I have been bamboozled.

So far, I have experienced many changes like:

Hormonal Changes

  • Lower Libido -I am definitely not in my 20s anymore that is for sure
  • Acne – More breakouts and skin issues and getting rid of them has been a struggle like I am a teenager again.
  • Mood Swings – PMS all month LOL
  • Fluctuating Menstrual Cycles -Said goodbye to my cycle coming like clockwork.

Physical Changes

  • Low Energy-nothing seems to help
  • Hard time falling asleep at night
  • Pain- something is always hurting
  • Body changes -stubborn belly fat, tired eyes feel like my looks have changed see some lines in places that weren’t there before and losing weight is a struggle.
  • Hot Flashes

Mental Changes

  • Forgetfulness
  • Things that may have excited me a year or so ago no longer excite me.
  • Not sweating the small stuff as much
  • choosing peace
  • More in tune with what I feel
  • No longer have the energy or the capacity to people please

I am a hypochondriac after freaking out for a while I have chopped all these changes to perimenopause. Yep, another thing woman have to look forward to, because God forbid, we get a break LOL.

Perimenopause, also known as the menopausal transition, is the period when a woman’s body is transitioning to menopause. It usually begins a few years before a woman’s last menstrual cycle and can last up to 14 years, but typically lasts around seven years. During this time, a woman’s ovaries gradually stop producing hormones, which can cause her menstrual cycles to become irregular or erratic. Other symptoms include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Mood changes
  • Changes in sexual desire
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Headaches
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Heavy sweating

If you did not know about this before you are welcome. I knew nothing about this and was looking forward to a good 10 years of bliss before menopause came LOL.

Yes, I am complaining but honestly, I feel better knowing that there is a name for what I have been going through and that I am not alone. Having access to so much information and different things to try to balance out some of these symptoms really helps.

Even with all my complaining 40 is not what I thought it would be but is also not so bad. I am the happiest I have ever been. I live a peaceful life, a life I don’t feel the need to run away from.

Its only year one I believe it will only get better!!

Since I am still in the discovery season of perimenopause, I don’t really have advice to give but would love to get some advice from those who may have experienced this. Please drop some gems that may have helped you and could possibly me or someone else.

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Until next time

xoxo, Kieks

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I’m Kieshaun

aka Kieks

Welcome to my online journal where I share everything! My journey through life, love, mental health battles, relationships, spirituality, fitness, beauty and travel with personal stories, thoughts, and lessons.

My hope is that by sharing my experiences and lessons openly, others will know that they are not alone and hopefully I can learn from others too.

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